How To Start a Successful Roofing Business

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If you are interested in starting a roofing business, there are a few things you should pay attention to. In this post, we are going to go over five tips you need to have to have a successful business launch.

1. Create a business plan

Before you do anything, it is worth the time to create a business plan so you can have a firm idea of how you want to run your roofing company.

Your plan doesn’t need to be anything fancy, a word document with steps on how you are going to grow is all you need.

Also, in the future when you hire employees, having a plan will help you to manage your budget better and make sure that you are spending your money wisely.

2. Choose a name

Your business name is one of the first things that you will need to focus on when starting your business.

It is a critical step, so you want to make sure that it is a name that is both unique and easy to remember.

Also, think about competitors when choosing a name. You don’t want to make the mistake of choosing a name that is too similar to a company that already exists, as this could bring legal issues.

So, do your research, and choose a name you can be proud of.

3. Learn about business taxes

Knowing what taxes to pay is one of the most important things you can do for your business. The IRS is definitely not the easiest organization to deal with.

So before starting your business, take the time to do your research and find out what taxes you will need to pay, on a local, state, and federal level.

This will help you avoid any surprises during tax season. This is not tax advice, so consult a qualified tax professional before starting.

4. Create a website and marketing strategy

In addition to a business plan, you also want to map out some type of marketing strategy. Think about where your ideal customer is mostly likely to be online, and figure out how to reach them.

One of the best ways to do this is to create a website and use it to get listed on Google.

With 98% of all internet users saying they’ve used a conventional search engine at least once a month (99firms).

Getting on Google, is arguably one the best places to start when marketing your roofing services.

You may also want to consider using social media to reach your target market, such as LinkedIn, facebook, Twitter, instagram, and TikTok.

Social platforms allow you to reach a much wider audience than traditional marketing methods, and can be a great way to build relationships with potential customers.

Read our post, 13 ways to get roofing leads, for more information on how to market your services.

Regardless of the marketing strategy you choose, make sure you have a solid strategy that you can stick to.

5. Learn Sales Techniques

Getting leads or potential customers is half the battle. Once you get them on the phone, now you have to close the deal!

Knowing how to sell your services and convince people to hire you is a vital skill to growing your roofing business.

While you don’t need to be a social butterfly, even something as simple as going to trade shows and networking events will help you get new customers.

We can help you close the deal

Sometimes no matter how much you upsell your services, your customer may just not want to hire you. This can be for many reasons, but one the most common is sticker shock. Oftentimes, a customer can’t afford to hire you because they don’t fully understand their buying power.

By offering financing and loan options to your customers, you are empowering them to make the decision they are comfortable with, because they can break their project into smaller monthly payments.

Starting a roofing business doesn’t have to be hard. Learn more about Hearth today by scheduling a demo!

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